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Our employees – the basis of our success

Our employees are the FUCHS Group's most important resource. The knowledge, experiences and commitment of each individual staff member ensure successful business operations, innovative product solutions and satisfied customers.

The size and organizational structure of our company allow short communication and decision-making paths and thereby unbureaucratic cooperation between various specialist areas all over the world. For our employees this means a varied range of tasks and a wide range of possibilities to contribute their own ideas and develop both professionally and personally.

As of December 31, 2021 the FUCHS Group employed 5,976 people worldwide. In comparison with the previous year, the total number of employees increased by 248 people or 4.3%.


Service Kontakt
+370 655 79804 - Lithuania; +371 264 13083 - Latvia; +372 625 7780 - Estonia
Business hours:

Mo-Fr: 8:00 - 17:00 Uhr