Sustainability at FUCHS
Environmental consciousness and sustainable production processes pose an enormous challenge for many companies. At FUCHS however, we don’t view sustainability as a mere responsibility, but as a chance. For us and for our customers. That’s why we don’t just analyze and optimize the sustainability of our own processes at all times, but have – time and time again – measurably improved our customers’ value chains as well. From individually designed hydraulic oils in construction equipment, over special lubricant solutions in combustion engines to cutting fluids in milling machines - they all reduce friction and therefore save significant amounts of CO2. That’s why we can proudly say that our products don’t just contain 90 years of experience, but also a huge amount of potential for your business and the planet alike.
Empowering our customers to perform more sustainably.

Our understanding of sustainability goes beyond our production: we provide customers with high quality lubricants that reduce their energy consumption and increase the service life of their machines. We are convinced that enabling our customers to act more sustainably is the key to greater efficiency and thus significant economic savings and added value potentials.
Our path towards climate neutrality.

Our production has been fully climate-compensated since 2020 – where possible through greater efficiency and innovation, where necessary with carbon offsetting. Yet we also look beyond our own factory gates and support others in becoming more sustainable.
Product Carbon Footprint

With the EU climate targets, more and more companies are focusing on their own emissions and a possible climate neutrality of business operations. The calculation of the product carbon footprint (PCF) is a major factor in this context as it summarizes all emissions along the value chain which are related to the product.
Economic, ecological and social activities in harmony.

Sustainability to us is neither a trademark nor a label, but is instead a self commitment. The scarcity of resources and the responsibility towards future generations are a particular focus of corporate action. Our aim is to create more value with fewer resources - and this shall be in harmony with our commitment to economic, ecological and social responsibility.

Sustainability Report
More information and current developments around sustainability at FUCHS can be found in our annually published sustainability report.
How can we move your world more sustainably?

Markus Garb
Vice President Global Sustainability (CSO)