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The ECOCUT non-water-miscible cooling lubricants generate little oil mist and display low evaporation loss, thereby reducing exposure at the workplace. Besides their good cooling effect and high lubricating performance, they also offer good rinsing properties, a high-quality surface finish and low evaporation.

Non-water-miscible cutting fluids

Cutting fluids from ECOCUT can be applied safely and in a stable way. They meet all legal requirements and ensure a long service life, also with boron and biocide-free products. They stand for highest cutting performance and outstanding finish quality.

Non-water-miscible cutting fluids, in contrast to water-miscible cutting fluids with good care, have an almost unlimited service life. Bacterial infestation does not occur in the absence of water.

Important for the application is a bath temperature below 40 °C, optimal temperatures below 30 °C, should also be preferred to use fluid families or multifunctional oils. 

Non-water-miscible cutting fluids of the ECOCUT series comply with current legislation and meet all requirements to ensure economical and cost-effective machining.
They offer:

  • good cooling effect
  • high lubricity
  • good rinsing properties
  • active improvement of cutting performance
  • high safety in environmental and health protection 
Max execution time: 240