Higher productivity and profitability in four stages
There are shortcuts to higher productivity and profitability. One of them is a Plant Survey – a systematic lubrication review focusing on potential savings and efficiencies – without the need for any new investment.
There is a lot to be gained by lubricating correctly – financially, technically and environmentally. Identifying these potential gains is the whole idea behind a Plant Survey; for instance, productivity can be raised by finding out where lubrication is inadequate or being done incorrectly. A Plant Survey includes several different technical services and is based on four stages.
The starting point is often a change of supplier, and changing to new products must be a smooth transition. The existing range is reviewed, new compatible products are identified, the customer’s lubrication maintenance is reviewed, everything is checked against product recommendations, any errors are corrected and new procedures are put in place. The end result is a set of lubricant recommendations that pave the way for savings and efficiencies.
Product adaptation…
- is done in close co-operation with the customer
- suggests smoother, simpler lubricant management
- often leads to a streamlined range
It is vital to know what you’re lubricating and how it affects the machinery – both technically and financially. This is why training is a natural part of a Plant Survey. The aim is to increase knowledge about the products, and understanding of the consequences lubrication has. Basic training combines both theoretical and practical aspects, and training can be extended and customised as required.
- aimed specifically at people who work with lubrication, engineers and lubrication managers
- generally takes place over one day or so at the customer’s premises
- can go into more technical specialisations, e.g. hydraulics or gears
An oil analysis shows how the oil and machinery are performing, and is a key to operational reliability. Analyses therefore form a natural part of a Plant Survey – above all in large systems where oil is a significant cost, in expensive machinery, or in sensitive systems that are susceptible to serious disruptions in production.
Oil analysis…
- is offered as a complete analysis package
- is recommended 2–4 times a year
- is performed in a more advanced version in e.g. problem-solving/troubleshooting
Better stock management saves money, but it also helps a company structure its lubrication work. One effect of a Plant Survey is that fewer products are often needed, but in higher volumes. This leads to savings and fewer storage points. In a lubrication store room, good order is crucial. The right thing in the right place for cleaner, safer lubrication. This reduces the risk of dirt and contamination, which can lead to operational disruptions.
Stock management…
- limits the range and streamlines management
- ensures equipment and products are in good order
- highlights the importance of cleaning and cleanliness in lubrication management
Savings – just one of the benefits
The customer is always given a report of what potential savings can be made. One common measure is to reduce the number of products and suppliers, which leads to simpler management and lower costs. Opting for higher quality lubricants also brings savings thanks to longer drain intervals and lower maintenance costs.
Moreover, a Plant Survey can reduce environmental impact. Using the right lubricants means lower energy consumption and thereby also lower carbon dioxide emissions.
All in all, lubricants and lubrication have more of an impact on profitability and productivity than many people think. So don’t hesitate to get a well-structured view of your lubricant management – it can work wonders for your competitiveness!
Please contact us if you’d like to know what a Plant Survey can do for your company.
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Smart Lubrication
Smart Lubrication is a blog from FUCHS where we share our common knowledge about lubricants and lubrication.